Baker & Fox, Mineral Water Manufacturers, Hanley


Key Facts

Years Trading (Known)

Known Addresses



18XX - 1890

Excelsior Works, Burton Place, New Street, Hanley


William Baker, John Fox (separate businesses)


Baker & Fox was a partnership of William Baker and John Fox. They traded from the Excelsior Works, Burton Place, New Street, Hanley, and in addition to being Mineral Water Manufacturers, they were also Cab Proprietors. The pair traded together until the 29th October 1890, after which the partnership was dissolved, as detailed here in an extract from 'The London Gazette, 4 November, 1890' :

As can be seen, the business was continued solely under the control and name of William Baker at the Burton Place premises. Further information on William Baker Limited can be seen HERE. John Fox also continued to trade as a Mineral Water Manufacturer under his own name; further information on John Fox can be found HERE